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Understanding and Treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Understanding and Treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting women of reproductive age.

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 Fertility Issues Affect Both Men and Women

Fertility Issues Affect Both Men and Women

When the topic of infertility comes up, the conversation often centers around women. For far too long, society has perpetuated the stereotype that fertility issues are predominantly a woman's problem.

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 IVF and Diabetes: Understanding Your Chances of Succes

IVF and Diabetes: Understanding Your Chances of Succes

Embarking on the journey of in vitro fertilization (IVF) can be both exciting and daunting, especially for those managing diabetes.

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 Understanding the Factors Affecting Fertility

Understanding the Factors Affecting Fertility

Fertility is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human health influenced by various factors. While some individuals conceive easily, others may face challenges that require a deeper understanding of the underlying causes

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 Common Myths and Misconceptions About IVF

Common Myths and Misconceptions About IVF

One such innovation is laparoscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure. As an alternative to traditional open surgery, laparoscopy offers numerous benefits, making it a preferred choice for many patients and surgeons.

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Hydrosalpix on HSG came out to be small outpouching

Hydrosalpix on HSG came out to be small outpouching

4 years old female presented in the OPD with the chief complaint of Primary Infertility of 4years .The couple was trying to conceive from last 4years Her Menstrual history was 2-3/30 ,Regular ,Moderate flow and painless

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Fibroid and infertility ---A Story

Fibroid and infertility ---A Story

31 yrs old patient came in gynae OPD for IVF as advised by her consultant .She was trying for conception from last once year though she has been married from last 7 years .She and her husband has been living separately before that

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