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Submucosal Fibroids: Impact on Fertility and Treatment Options at Chawla Ivf

Submucosal Fibroids: Impact on Fertility and Treatment

Submucosal Fibroids: Impact on Fertility and Treatment Options at Chawlaivf

Fibroids, noncancerous growths that develop in the uterus, are a common concern for women of reproductive age. These benign tumors, also known as leiomyomas, can vary in size, number, and location within the uterine wall. One particular type, submucosal fibroids, can significantly impact fertility and may require specialized treatment.

Fibroids can occur in different locations within the uterus, including subserosal (outer layer), intramural (middle layer), and submucosal (inner layer). Submucosal fibroids develop just beneath the uterine lining and protrude into the uterine cavity. Their positioning can interfere with fertility by distorting the shape of the uterine cavity or blocking the fallopian tubes, impairing the implantation of a fertilized egg or leading to recurrent miscarriages.

Diagnosing submucosal fibroids typically involves a combination of pelvic exams, ultrasounds, and imaging tests like MRI scans. However, hysteroscopy, a minimally invasive procedure, offers a more direct and precise method of diagnosis. During hysteroscopy, a thin, lighted tube with a camera attached (hysteroscope) is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus, allowing the doctor to visualize any abnormalities, including submucosal fibroids.

Treatment for submucosal fibroids often involves surgical intervention, with hysteroscopic myomectomy being a preferred approach. This procedure involves the removal of fibroids using specialized instruments inserted through the hysteroscope, preserving the integrity of the uterine cavity and improving fertility outcomes. For cases where laparoscopic surgery is necessary, advanced gynaecological laparoscopy offers a minimally invasive option.

At Chawla IVF, located in Jalandhar, we specialize in advanced gynaecological laparoscopy and hysteroscopy surgeries. Our center is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by experienced gynaecological surgeons dedicated to providing personalized care to our patients. Whether you require hysteroscopic myomectomy for submucosal fibroids or laparoscopic procedures for other gynaecological conditions, you can trust Chawla IVF to deliver the highest quality of care.

If you're struggling with fertility issues or have been diagnosed with submucosal fibroids, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is committed to helping you achieve your dream of starting a family through advanced surgical interventions tailored to your individual needs. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you on your journey to parenthood.

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